English CPD Offer 2022-23

The offer for academic year 2022-23 draws on the expertise of city headteachers, practitioners and consultants to ensure a joined up approach to improving outcomes in English for children in Leicester. Opportunities included in this year’s offer cover reading, writing, oracy and spelling, and aim to support the training and development of staff in schools who lead, teach and support English.

The English offer is commissioned by Closing the Gap (CtG) & Whatever it Takes (WiT). As both of these initiatives are funded via de-delegation, all opportunities are offered at a free, or subsidised cost for maintained schools. Non-maintained schools are very welcome to participate, but a full charge will apply.

Training offer for Leaders of English

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £240 (for experienced Leaders) £560 (for new Leaders) for non-maintained schools.

Course Leads: Mel Hendy, Jo Puttick, Annemarie Williams and Leicester City Lead Teachers of English

No. of session(s): 3 half day meetings (for all Leaders), plus 4 x half day leadership sessions for new leaders


These half-day sessions for English Subject Leaders will provide opportunities to receive subject knowledge input and to share good practice and network with other schools. Content, from across different aspects of English, will be linked to intent, implementation and impact to support leadership in school. Additional training will be available to develop leadership skills for new English Leaders in CPD, monitoring and evaluation.

Senior leaders and English subject leaders will have a clear understanding of the rationale underpinning recommended teaching strategies for each area of English and will understand how English (reading, writing, phonics and oracy) are taught from Early Years to Year 6, linking together to form their whole school English Curriculum intent. They will also receive CPD ensuring that their knowledge is up-to-date with national developments including Ofsted’s Review of the English Curriculum.

Leaders will lead English more strategically and understand why they are implementing different approaches to teaching and learning and what impact they are having. They will be well-prepared for Ofsted deep-dives. Over time, this should lead to improved standards in reading and writing.

Strategic Leadership of English meetings
To be attended by new and experienced English Subject Leaders. It is recommended a member of the senior leadership also attends to support impact at a whole school level and ensure sustainability.

Session 1: 12th October (AM) at NSPCC
Session 2: 25th January (AM) at NSPCC
Session 3: 12th October (AM) at NSPCC

Leadership Sessions
To be attended by new English Subject Leaders

Session 1: 2nd October (AM) at NSPCC
Session 2: 1st December (AM) at NSPCC
Session 3: 9th February (AM) at NSPCC
Session 4: 12th April (AM) at NSPCC

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £320 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Leads: Jo Puttick and Mel Hendy

No. of session(s): 3 x half days.


These practical sessions will provide opportunities for Reading Leaders to work in small groups with colleagues and Lead Teachers of Reading to develop and refine areas of reading, e.g. long-term planning and planning of shared and guided reading.

Session focus

Session 1: Implications of Ofsted’s Curriculum Review in English for long-term planning: progression in texts and literature across the school - 4th November, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: Implications of Ofsted’s Curriculum Review in English for long-term planning: moving from explicit teaching of knowledge to a broader understanding of texts in Y5 & 6 - 13th January, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: Implications of Ofsted’s Curriculum Review in English for shared & guided reading: teaching of knowledge & application of previously learnt skills. A video coaching session - 24th March, 9am-12noon at NSPCC

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £320 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick, Emma Spiers & Monika Singala

No. of sessions: 4 x half days (9am-12pm). Fri 23rd Sept, Tues 22nd Nov, Tues 24th Jan, Tues 25th Apr.


The aim of this new Network is to connect colleagues across the city and give an opportunity to develop teachers’ and leaders’ understanding relating to best practice in reading development in the Early Years and Y1. Sessions will focus on areas such as language acquisition, sharing stories, phonics and early reading, shared and guided reading and assessment and moderation. There will also be input from CLS and Leicester Libraries linked to the themes of the sessions.

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper, supported by School Expert Lead Practitioners

No. of sessions: 3 x half days


The aim of the sessions is to support the oracy lead with managing the subject and developing appropriate action plans, continuing to offer cpd and subject updates. Through these sessions, leads will be able to consider who to send to the larger twilight events and additional training offers so that they can support the development of teachers in their schools. It would be expected that all sessions are attended by the English Leader/ oracy leader. Sessions will also be supported by the additional oracy expert lead teachers who will be tasked to support discussions, share additional resources and input to the planned cpd discussions.

These sessions will be open to leaders across all schools in Leicester City and discussion and sharing of good practice will be promoted in each meeting so that schools with similar needs can discuss strengths and CPD approaches.

Session 1: 26th October at NSPCC
Session 2: 18th January at NSPCC
Session 3: 18th April at NSPCC

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick and Expert English Consultants (tbc)

No. of sessions: 3 x half days.


EYFS and Yr1 teachers will have a clear understanding of the research and rationale underpinning best practice in the teaching of early writing. The training will be broken down into small steps so that practitioners have time to apply the learning in their classrooms and then reflect on its impact during follow-up sessions.

Session 1: 3rd November (AM) at NSPCC
Session 2: 2nd February (AM) at NSPCC
Session 3: 19th April (AM) at NSPCC

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick and Expert English Consultants (tbc).

No. of sessions: 3 x half days.

Who should attend:


English Subject Leaders and teachers will have a clear understanding of the research and rationale underpinning best practice in the teaching of early writing. The training will be broken down into small steps so that practitioners have time to apply the learning in their classrooms and then reflect on its impact during follow-up sessions.

Session 1: Date tbc.
Session 2: Date tbc.
Session 3: Date tbc.

English CPD for Teachers


Cost: £195 per delegate for maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper and Oracy Hub Leads

No. of sessions: 3 x half days.


These training sessions offer an introduction to key oracy teaching and learning principles. They offer teachers the opportunity to consider effective pedagogy around the notion of ‘learning to talk’ and ‘learning through talk’, and types of talk. These sessions are for teachers who wish to explore Voice Leicester initiatives who may come from current oracy schools but haven’t attended previous central training, or are from schools new to the journey. Whilst some of the training content links, the sessions can be stand-alone meaning that schools can send different teachers to each if they wish, or the same teachers if preferred, and supports the development of those schools wanting to create or develop oracy teams in school. Ideally, schools will also send an oracy leader to the Oracy Leaders' Network.

Session focus

Session 1: Introduction to Oracy Framework - 26th January at SDSA
Session 2: Intro to discussion strategies, types of talk & listening skills - 8th March at SDSA
Session 3: Oracy across the curriculum - 3rd May at SDSA


Cost: £390 per delegate for maintained schools. £480 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick

No. of sessions: 6 x half days


This course is based on Leicester City’s highly successful Leadership of Reading Programme. Emphasis is placed on both word reading and language comprehension. Delegates will improve their subject knowledge of reading comprehension, wider decoding strategies and aspects of response to reading that children need in order to become fluent and effective readers alongside considering how to use shared and guided reading as key combined teaching strategies to ensure children learn to apply these effectively. A significant outcome for schools who have implemented this has been the great improvement in children’s pleasure in reading.

Please note this is a repeat of the KS1 Leadership of Reading training from last academic year.

Session 1: 27th October, 9:15-3:30pm at Parks Primary School
Session 2: 30th November, 9:15-12pm at Parks Primary School
Session 3: 12th January, 9:15-12pm at Parks Primary School
Session 4: 1st March, 9:15-12pm at Park Primary School
Session 5: 28th April, 9:15-12pm at Park Primary School

Cost: £130 per delegate for maintained schools. £160 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper and Jo Puttick

No. of sessions: 2 x half days - 2nd March and 30th March at the NSPCC


These sessions will unpick what greater depth in reading looks like and the teaching needed to support children with achieving this at year 2. It will explore how the depth of understanding is deeper than just reading at a higher book level and will offer practical suggestions for how to build an evidence bank to confidently use to inform assessment judgements. There will be opportunity to discuss own class examples as well as chance to consider next step tasks to support this group of children. This training has been developed in response to findings during moderation and will support teachers with understanding this national reading standard in full.


Cost: £65 per delegate for maintained schools. £80 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Megan Ellis, supported by SLE colleagues


A half day session focused on direct instruction and how this fits within a teaching sequence and supports writing development. A review of research in support of direct instruction and what this might look like within the classrooms. The session will provide a framework for modelling writing and a worked example of this within a teaching sequence.

Cost: £45 per delegate for maintained schools. £55 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Annemarie Williams and Megan Ellis

Session date: 12th January, 3pm-5pm at SDSA


A twilight session focussing on developing sentence structure and extending sentences in KS2. Considering how and where this fits within a teaching sequence and how direct instruction and strong subject knowledge can support this. Models of practice for classroom application shared with  examples.

Cost: £195 per delegate for maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools.

Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper

No. of sessions: 3 x half days.


These sessions will support teachers with planning using AFL and ensure that the teaching sequences are developed to teach and apply appropriate national curriculum skills required to create good writing outcomes. There will be a focus on ensuring model texts allow children to see appropriate writing expectations to base their writing on. There will be an opportunity to review own writing in order to ensure progression over time. These sessions are based on the principles shared in the previous year 1 and 2 writing training offered last academic year and are an ideal supportive next step to teachers who attended them. They can also be attended by any teacher new to the sessions who wishes to improve the planning of their teaching sequence and writing outcomes in year 1 and 2.

Session dates

Session 1: 25th October, 9-12pm at Soar Valley
Session 2: 19th January, 9-12pm at SDSA
Session 3: 23rd March, 9-12pm at SDSA

Whatever it Takes Initiative (Reading for Pleasure):

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £500 for non-maintained schools.


Our Best Picture Book Award, especially for Year 2 children in Leicester! Year 2 pupils and families will be asked to read and talk together about six picture books and to vote for their favourite. Schools provided with books and resources to support the running of the award.

Contact: hayley.carter@sdsa.net

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £500 for non-maintained school.s


A book award, especially for Year 5/6 children in Leicester! Pupils are asked to read 12 books and to vote for their favourite. Schools will be provided with books and resources to support the running of the award. Cost covers multiple copies of titles, resources, videos and virtual author visits.

Contact: nicola.gale@sdsa.net

Cost: Free for maintained schools. £550 for non-maintained school.s


This comprises of termly newsletters, a box of recommended books and competition challenges. Each edition has books that focus on KS1 and lower and upper KS2.

Each term schools will receive:

• The Our Brilliant Book Club Newsletter (book recommendations for a featured KS and book recommendations for the other key stages)
• Multiple copies of the featured KS book for that month: one higher ability title, one lower ability title – 10 copies of each  - 20 copies in total
• Teacher’s Notes and Pupils’ Notes for each of the two featured books
• A single copy of each of the recommended books for other year groups (8 books in total)
• An invitation to enter a competition based around the featured books with prizes for the winning schools and children

Contact: nicola.gale@sdsa.net

Author Week this year will run during June with a combination of virtual and face to face author visits for all year groups. Books will be supplied to schools to accompany their chosen author visits. More information to follow in the Autumn term.

Contact: sonia.dayal@sdsa.net


We are planning 4 face to face Reading Champions’ Conferences this year in September, December, March and June. Themes confirmed so far; Supporting reading in EAL children and engaging families and effective use of non-fiction texts for pleasure and in the curriculum. More details to follow in the Autumn term

Contact: sonia.dayal@sdsa or nicola.gale@sdsa.net


This year WiT will offer a range of CPD to complement the wider CtG offer to cover various aspects of reading. WiT will also be supporting the Early Reading and Phonics in the city. More details to follow in September.

Contact: nicola.gale@sdsa.net

Cost: Free for all schools.


We will be working with Read for Good and Bookmark to deliver a Leicester city Readathon in the spring term – bringing books and author events to schools and encouraging reading. More details to follow in September.

Contact: nicola.gale@sdsa.net